Almost everything you want to know about the contents
of the Urantia Book!
This site intends to provide human sources of the teachings of the
Urantia Book, together with illustrations of difficult concepts and
other study aids to assist the readers.
1. The text is from The Urantia Book, published by Urantia Foundation,
533 W Diversey Parkway, Chicago, IL 60614, USA.
2. Unless otherwise noted, all photographs have been accumulated directly
from the sources.
3. Encyclopedia Urantia needs your assistance. If you have an article
or note to contribute, please forward them to the editor.
If your comments or articles on any topic are accepted, they will be
posted with due credit.
유란시아백과, ユランシア
書 百科, 真理書百科
(Korean, Japanese, Chinese). Sample translations in Chinese
(Paper 174, Paper 175,
Paper 179) To read these, first install the Chinese
language pack.
Under construction: Inactive links will soon be fixed.
Almost everything you wanted to know about
the Tree of Life
the Boatbuilder and the Ancient Boat (Saskia Raevouri)
Rosettes and the Tree
of life in Egypt
How to tell apart the Sleeping Subject from
other would-be imitators
Intraelectronic positions of ultimatons (original
the date of birth of Jesus of Nazareth, etc. Bob Hurt
Revisiting Paradise – A New Perspective on
Well-Known Hints, Part I, Alex Wall
Revisiting Paradise – A New Perspective on
Well-Known Hints, Part II, Alex Wall
Mapping Havona, Alex Wall
Reality Scaffolding and Architecture of the
Ultimaton, Alex Wall
The Sun’s Surface Temperature, Mark Underwood
Sound of Silence and Thought Adjuster
What is the probability of survival?
When was the Foreword written?
Why Paul never visited Alexandria
Havona worlds in seven circuits
How many worlds to visit before reaching
Where did the Sanhedrin meet?
Where is the palace of the high priest Annas?
Greeks or Creeks? (p.947)
Meaning of nebula (as in ‘a barred nebula’)
Who Wrote the Revelation?
Jesus’ ascension, 40 days or 50 days?
Did Jesus eat or drink after resurrection?
Jesus’ interaction with mortals after
Evil Eye
Where the first octave begins
Caesar’s denarii
the Milky Way Orvonton?, Dan Massey
How large is Orvonton,
really? (and other questions), Norm Du Val
Truth, Beauty and Goodness–84 Uses in the UB,
Rick Warren
Origin of Urantia
Graphic timeline of evolution
China timeline through pottery
Chinese coins
Roman Empire
Roman Emperors
Paper 174 in Chinese
Choose Chinese character encoding. For instance in Firefox, choose View,
Character Encoding, Autodetect and Chinese. In Chrome, choose conrol
Current page on the right, encoding and autodetect. In Internet Explorer,
go to View/Page, then encoding, and choose unicode UTF-8, and the paper
in simplied Chinese characters will appear.
Shenzhen Ballet


Ancient Chinese jade artifacts
Buddhists worship service
Ming Tombs, Great Wall
Dragon’s Back trail, Shing
Mun trail

Qian Men Street, Beijing
Old Culture Street, Tianjin
Zen Buddhism, Zen teachings
of respecting life
Zhangjiajie, Shaolin Temple, Changsha, Zhengzhou,
Cavalry Battle of Jin (Andite cavalrymen
in Asia)

Korean pottery
Temple of Heaven, Beijing

Buddhist Temples + Himeji castle
Todaiji Buddhist temple + Kasuga Shinto shrine,
Japanese History
Japanese pottery
Japanese Coins

The House of Dancing Water,

Dancing Water II
Hakka village in Shinju, Taiwan
Terracotta Warriors of Qin
Atlanta Urantia Study
Master Universe
Urantia Book Astronomy
Urantia Garden
Urantia Book Historical Society
Urantia Book Related Web Sites
Kary Mullis (A Nobel laureate
in chemistry cites academic papers that confirm the statements in the
Urantia Foundation, Korean page
유란시아 한국 (Korean
Urantia site)
Korean Blog Site
UB in the News
Origin of the Urantia Papers, Kristen Maaherra’s
summary from
Abner’s church? Matt Neibaur
Comparison of Military Power of Germany, Japan
and the US before WWII

Thumbnails of maps are copyrighted 2008 by,
used by permission.
The image of Ecce Homo by Antonio Ciseri is used by permission from
Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Florence.
Firenze, 22 Mar. 2012
N. ord. 47 P
Prot. 28.13.10-3289

Two Ancient maps of Jerusalem by Antonio
de Castillo (1666) [The original maps were published in 1654] are used
with permission from Robert D. Farber University Archives &
Special Collections Department, Brandeis University.

Adrichem, Christiaan van, 1533-1585
IERVSALEM, et suburbia eius, sicut tempore Christi
floruit, cum locis, in quibus Christus passus est. (with English
translation, 11Mb) [1584]

(27 Mb, be patient)
This ancient map of Jerusalem is used with permission. The National
Library of Israel, Shapell Family Digitization Project, Eran Laor Cartographic
Collection, and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dept. of Geography,
Historic Cities Project.